Frequently Asked Questions
You do not need to register for a group class, just show up a few minutes before the class begins to sign in.
You’re welcome to dress comfortably and casually unless otherwise noted for special events. Leather or suede soled dance shoes are recommended, but regular leather soled shoes are fine too.
No! We encourage everyone to switch partners during our group classes and parties. There are plenty of dance partners.
Private Lessons are one-on-one sessions where you work with a private instructor. These lessons can be booked by calling or emailing the studio.
Group classes are held during the week. Be sure to check out our calendar for the group classes we have coming up. You can sign up and pay through Mindbody.
Private group lessons are a fun way to learn some new dance moves. Coordinate with some friends and call or email the studio to schedule today.
Dance parties are a great way to practice what you've learned in your lessons and dance with other dancers who are learning too! You can sign up and pay through Mindbody.